Monday, May 30, 2011

This I Believe Essay-Faith

I believe in faith. Faith is the most powerful thing in this world. If you have faith you will exceed your expectations. Growing up I was incapable of overcoming any of my problems or fears. I never had the will- power or strength to act, as I would always wish to do thing, but in the end I was to incompetent to speak out or act. When I wanted to ask a person if I could participate in something, or when I wanted to ride an immense roller-coaster, as a child, or when I wanted to perform magic in front of people, I became isolated and neglected. However, when I had faith in myself, I excelled and when I already knew that “I could”,.....I did.

Life is full of mysteries. There are so many unanswered questions in this world. When I was young I learned about God and how he composed our universe. Yet, certain questions always dwelled in my brain. “Can you see God?” “Where is God?” “Does God really exist?”

I was so perplexed when I found out that scientists claim that it wasn’t the doing of a supernatural being that created our universe but it was the “big bang” and the aftermath of the explosion that created this universe. I didn’t know what to believe. This is because science is able to tell us how things work and the processes of many things. Yet, science is incompetent of telling us our purpose in life and our responsibilities as human beings.

One night I looked out the window and gazed at the moon and the stars, and I wondered how such marvellous things can appear out of nothingness. Yet, I realized that no matter how they were created they are there, whether it was God or just happened. I discovered that incredible things exist no matter how they came into existence and that everyone has to accept that fact.
This illustrates how different people may have different beliefs and faiths yet people still trust and have confidence in what they believe in which helps them to walk into the outside world with pride and determination.

It was then when my questions were finally answered. I realized that nobody can see God, Nobody knows where God is, and nobody knows if he really exists. -“It’s your own faith.” Nobody has sufficient evidence that proves the existence of a supernatural being. Yet, many people have faith. They believe even when there is no evidence. They act upon good reason and virtuous values.

Therefore, faith is the most prominent and potent force in this world. If you have faith and believe in things, even the impossible,you are capable of doing anything. I acknowledged that faith does not only have to be a certain religion or belief and that there is a supernatural being controlling your fate, but fate can also be to believe or to trust something whether it is yourself,someone else or something. However, they both make you strive for what you believe in.

Faith is an impenetrable and strong shield. Whenever I have faith I can walk into the outside world with confidence and pride. When I have faith I feel protected, I feel that nothing can prevent me from achieving my goal.

Faith is something that took me a long time to realize its true meaning. However, when I acquired its true meaning I am now capable of doing anything. I believe faith gives us tenacity and ambition. It fills us all with confidence and pure determination that will drive every being in this universe to excel. This I believe.

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