Saturday, August 20, 2011


Statue of Justice, on top of the Oude Griffie, Old Recorders House, Burg square, Bruges, Brugge, Belgium

In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems. For issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same- Albert Einstein

I believe that if every society in the world is a just society, than everyone will be given a voice- an opportunity to have their say and assist their leaders to make decisions that will impact society in a positive manner. A just society is a place where everyone receives a proper education, everybody is given shelter, the needy are looked after and the color of your skin or your race does not determine where you stand. Everyone is equal and are given equal liberties and rights. A just society is where no one can dictate you, it is something that will embrace people of all kinds to live together in harmony. Therefore, if I were to give a characteristic that would help shape a new world I would make the world a society that is "just." It is something that will make the world a better place and is the key to creating a great,new world.

Throughout history there are many listed events which indicate that people have had their voice deprived from them and were oppressed. This happened throughout the entire second world war after 1933, when Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party rose to power. Citizens thought of Hitler as their savior from the struggle and depression of the hyperinflation which began in 1923,because of Germany's failed attempt to fulfill the promise of the "Treaty of Versailles" which was too pay a lot of money to make up for the damage Germany caused during the first world war. Hitler used propaganda and soon acquired the loyalty of many. With Hitler's party succoring him and gradually getting more powerful he managed to persuade the nation to help him annihilate every Jew possible. He gave Jews a bad name and utilized propaganda as a tool of justification for killing them. This led to the elimination of about 6 million "innocent" Jews. Even now there are many oppressive rulers that exist and continue to perform atrocities, such as in North Korea, Burma and Libya. Also, oppressing and subjugating citizens has backfired in the past and still does. It causes rebellion and creates resilient dissidents that turn to violence as a solution. In present day Libya , Muammar Gaddafi (the government) refuses to lose power and continues to do whatever he can, to any extent to achieve that goal even if it means killing his own people. For months the rebel-nation have been fighting for their liberty and to overthrow Gaddafi. They are both succeeding in nothing but heading towards the catastrophe of a once peaceful nation. This all exemplifies how injustice reigned and still reigns in our world and how societies are still unstable; and how citizens are deprived from basic rights such as democracy. And how we could all do much better without it.

Additionally, I believe it is essential for every society to be "just" and to have a form of law that approves with citizens and ensures their safety. This is because during the years of 1975 to 1979 the potent communist movement called "Khymer Rouge" had all of Cambodia in their domain. Together under the rule of their leader "Pol Pot" they managed to overthrow the Cambodian government. They performed atrocities such as evacuating cities,closing schools, massacre and they eliminated skilled and educated citizens and as a result about 1.5 million people were assassinated. This demonstrates how leaders could be ruthless and neglect their own people. They stripped the citizens from their homes, their family and their prerogatives. It portrays the irrationalism and the misuse of power and control. The citizens had their voice taken away, they could not speak up. They were completely powerless. Therefore, I believe the most prominent element in composing a new world is to have people live and get accustomed to societies that are just. Where citizens should have the choice of choosing their own leaders who they trust and approve of. Where they would be given a voice in which they can speak freely to their leaders and their leaders should listen and act accordingly to prevent terrible events such as the "Holocaust" or "The terrible crimes committed by Khymer Rouge" to reoccur.

Albert Einstein said that "In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems. For issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same." This quote implements that religion,race or gender does not impact your lifestyle in any way. Your actions and your character is what shapes your identity, it is what impacts your lifestyle and is how people deem you as a person. Everyone has power. No one can subjugate anybody.
Envision every society to be a society like this, a society that is just.