Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I recently found out my learning profile and how I approach new skills,ideas and knowledge through a series of tests which determined my learning profile. I learned that you're brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left which is more logical,linear, and systematic, and the left is "gestalt", which is learning through patterns,visualization,movement, and images.

I find it difficult at times to communicate and obtain new knowledge which may seem uncertain and cause stress.Therefore, I find it easiest to learn new things when the instructions are evident and when I am free from stress, and through movement. I find it difficult to concentrate on occasions where I just sit still and stare at something. However, during classes and certain occasions such as P.E and sports I can keep my brain functioning, but during classes that do not involve much movement I keep fidgeting or playing with things in my pocket to help me focus.

In order for me to learn new things it is essential that I need a clear picture and context of something in order to understand it. Since I am a gestalt learner I don't prefer to follow step by step instructions, I like to find another way to accomplish my work. When I am stressed I must keep moving and express myself to clear my head.

Some things that would help me learn better are exercise,such as jogging, performing hand movements or gestures that help me remember what I just learned, and continuous foot tapping which would keep my brain active.

I would be pleased if my teachers are aware that I work better in the front of the classroom or any place where I can concentrate individually. I usually work better when I am free from distractions and can express what I have learnt through gestures and movements.

I am a double "J", a visual learner who approaches creative ideas, rather then following a particular system or format. I learnt some intriguing things about my self and the way I act. I really had a great time identifying my learning profile and learning how to improve on my weak areas of my ability to learn. I hope it will succor me in future situations.

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