Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hunger Games Project/Interpretation

We were assigned to compose a project based on the novel,"The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins and I chose to make two Menues, (one of the miserable and poor "District 12" and the type of food they get over there and the other menu for the wealthy Capitol), a propaganda poster, and three posters that portray different parallels between Panem and our world.

The reason why I chose to make menues is too portray the irrationalism and cruelty that is in Panem and how the "Capitol's" injustice reigns. In the "Capitol" there is a meager level of poverty,everyone is well fed and provided with basic requirements. However, an immense quantity of the rest of "Panem" endure daily under the oppression of the "Capitol." Therefore, there is a lot of variation between the two menues. One has a lot of variety of food and the other is limited.

I created a "propaganda poster" (which is meant to persuade others to join your cause) which is designed to persuade others to join the rebellion against the "Capitol." The poster portrays darkness and gloom, as there is an image of a person screaming in the background which symbolizes despair. It shows the despair that dwells in Panem and it also shows the irrationalism and lack of justice and equality, as there are two different images situated on the poster one that shows ordinary people in the Capitol savoring food and the other image shows the immense level of poverty that dwells in the rest of Panem.

I also created three posters that show parallels between Panem and our world. One poster shows how rulers from our world link to the the leadership from the Capitol. It portrays different rulers that ruled in different countries at different times and the atrocities they performed.
Another poster I composed portrays rebellions/uprisings that took/are taking place in our world and how they link to the rebellion that took place in Panem.
The third poster I created shows the parallel between Panem and our world of how we all savor brutality at different times and different levels. At times when disasters or perilous situations take place, we sort of neglect the suffering of others and sometimes care only about entertaining ourselves, such as when the media approaches people who have endured a lot we usually want to know what happened and what they had to go through and ignore the suffering the other person is going through. Similarly, in Panem the people savor violence and gore a lot and in our world also we enjoyed violence and we still enjoy violence, due to the fact that when gladiatorial combat existed people loved it and nowadays people still enjoy violence, as they enjoy watching things like wrestling and boxing.

This project was actually quite enjoyable, as we had the opportunity to select what we wanted to do and this assignment assisted me to view this novel (The Hunger Games) in many different new ways as I learned about themes that occurred in this book and discovered many parallels between Panem and our world. I am looking forward to doing something like this again.

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