Monday, November 14, 2011


The painting of Prometheus created in 1817 by the German artist named Heinrich Fuger emphasizes that Prometheus is a hero to all mankind. In this painting there are several perspectives of prominence which indicate the hatred between him and Zeus and that he is a hero to mankind for succoring them to create a new civilization by giving them the gift of fire. Heinrich Fuger also suggests that fire symbolizes knowledge. Fuger implements these ideas through facial expressions, body language, body positioning and the colors he utilises in the background.

The bottom part of the painting shows a world of darkness and despair. However, light is shining on Prometheus which gives the viewer the thought that he is a hero ,as it is like the spotlight which suggests that he is a hero. The artist(Fuger) also gave us the image that Prometheus is a bridge which connects the heavens with the world of darkness.(Earth) This is true, because based on the myth of Prometheus he gave mankind the gift of fire from above to the world of despair underneath in the dark. We know that mankind was dwelling in an abysmal world of darkness,because the man in the shadows has his head slouched. This symbolizes that man was neglected and was situated in an inevitable cycle of despair. Also, judging by Prometheus’s standing posture it gives the image that he is a potent and heroic person and half of his body is in the Earth and the other half is above in the light. This gives us the image of a bridge, as it is linking the heavens with the Earth. It is fire,a heavenly gift which was given to man. This is why the artist(Fuger) mainly is emphasizing that Prometheus is a hero ,as more light than darkness is shining upon him. This lead to Prometheus’s inevitable punishment from Zeus.

If you focus on Prometheus’s face you can see that half of it is in light and the other half is in darkness. This is so,because this is indicating that he may be a hero, yet it could suggest that his action may be unheroic. If you observe his eyes and his left hand, this shows that he is looking at Zeus and signaling silence. This is because he stole fire from Zeus and deceived the King of all Gods and does not want Zeus to know. This therefore suggests that his action is dishonourable. However, Prometheus had a reason to do this, as Zeus was an unreasonable ruler and didn’t care about the suffering of man. On the contrary, Prometheus thought this was wrong and had the courage to confront the mighty Zeus. This is why Prometheus is more of a hero than a traitor or a rebel.

So this shows that Prometheus may be a hero to mankind for liberating them from a world of despair,yet to Zeus and his followers he is nothing but a thief and a rebel. However, I see Prometheus as a courageous and reasonable person. Zeus did not treat all souls with equality.
Prometheus, realized the suffering of mankind and acted upon his reason. This is why this painting implies that he is an enemy of the King of all Gods, yet he is a hero for saving many, standing up for many and suffered for his act of courage for all mankind.

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