Friday, October 22, 2010

Hilarious Dancing

 When I saw Matt Harding's video I was awestruck because of how he brought joy to despairful places such as countries in Africa, as well as other places like Australia,India and Zanzibar.

 It looked brilliant to see the delghtful grin worn by so many people. It was intruiging to see so many people joining in to dance it was like joy was contagious.

What fascinated me the most was how one man brought the world closer together. He made the world take another huge step towards equality.

I think that Matt Harding is doing a magnificent job as he motivates others to join hands and to unite in an eccentric yet helpful and interesting way. Many places accross the globes are different,seperated. However, through Harding's encouragement we are united.

This is something that links us together to a chain,  of equality and hope, hope of bringing us,all of us together as one.

 Ten Things and Me

I love many things but there are ten things that I own and each of those things symbolize something that has a lot of sentimental value to me. The ten things I selected for pictures include a pair of football shoes, a pair of running shoes, an mp3 player, a book, a pair of goggles, a deck of cards, a flashlight, a Pakistani flag, a Korean flag, and a watch.

I chose my football shoes as it shows that I am very passionate about football and savor playing it. These shoes don’t fit me anymore as they were my first pair. They are really old. However, I refuse to dispose of them, as they remind me of when I started to play football. I always miss the
rush of excitement that I would have every time I wore them. I honestly think that football is the world’s greatest sport. I can play it everyday and still not find it monotonous. My favorite international teams are England and Spain. My favorite football club is FC Barcelona and my favorite player is Lionel Messi. Football is a terrific sport that includes excitement,strategy and skill and it’s the perfect sport for me.

I selected an mp3 player because it represents the love I have of listening to music. I love listening to music all the time no matter what mood I’m in sad,angry,frustrated,excited or happy. The artists and bands that make me love music are Greenday, The Fray, Linkin Park, Nickelback, Eminem and Lil Wayne.

I chose a book because it shows that I like reading. Books are really fun to read. I like reading more than watching movies as books are usually much more detailed and you can visualise the story in your own way. A book is like a portable movie player as it’s like a movie that plays in your head and you can take it with you anywhere. I like many books such as the Harry Potter series and the chronicles of Narnia. However,my favorite book is Eragon by Christopher Paolini. The reason why I like this book is because the author’s words were so sensible and this helped me to have an evident visualisation of the story in my head.

The reason why I chose a pair of swimming goggles is because it shows that I think swimming great fun. Moving around in the water makes me feel extraordinary. My favorite part of swimming is diving. I enjoy leaping into the cool water after standing under the hot sun. I remember when I first started swimming. I was always intimidated by the thought of drowning in the water. However, I conquered this fear and now I love swimming and I swim regularly.

I chose a deck of cards because it shows that I don’t like playing with them but that I love magic. I thing magic is magnificent. I just love the reaction on people’s faces after you performed a nice trick. I like the way people marvel at you. My favorite magician is definitely Andy Field. This is because he’s a great magician and he does not reveal the secrets of others, however he reveals his own tricks and gives you helpful tips. He was the magician that inspired me to perform the tricks I do now.

Exploring is one of my favorite hobbies. This is why I took a picture of a flashlight. I like entering dark and mysterious places and finding things. I love carrying my gear around and using it to identify strange and unusual things. I love it when my heart beats out of my chest like a gorilla trying to break out of it’s cage when I climb nearly to the canopy of a large tree or when I go into a dark place. When I find something eccentric or different I keep it. Exploring is exciting and adventurous and I love it.

I am a third cultured kid as I come from two different countries. I am half Pakistani and half South Korean. I love both of these countries and this is why I selected these two flags. These flags always remind me of the great friends I made in Korea and in Pakistan. I lived in Seoul, Korea and had a magnificent time there when I had to leave I was very sad and I did not wish to leave at all. I had to move to Islamabad,Pakistan. At first I disliked it, because I did not have many friends and the school was much smaller compared to my school in Seoul. However, things changed soon, as the people there were warm-hearted and they had a lot in common with me. I would go outside a lot with my friends and have loads of fun. I soon started to love the place and I did not wish to abandon my friends there when I had to move to Malaysia I love both of these countries very much and am proud of my heritage.

My watch was a gift I received from my mother a few years ago. I was grateful when I got it. It was stylish and had multiple functions. It is a watch manufactured by the Swiss company SWATCH. I would wear it all the time while sleeping, in the shower, and wherever I would go. Whenever, I wore the watch good things happened. Therefore, I considered it my lucky charm.
However one day while playing football the wrist strap of the watch snapped. I was terrified and I could not believe what happened. It was the most abysmal thing that ever happened to me. Although it was broken I did not wish to repair it or throw it away. I kept it as it reminds me of the great experiences I had while wearing it.

Running is amazing. This is why I took a picture of the shoes I love running in. While I run I feel like I am capable of leaping over buildings. For me it releases stress and is good exercise. When I am infuriated or sad I run. It clears my head and helps me forget experiences I do not wish to be reminded of. Running is amazing for me and really helps me in ways nothing else can.

These things are significant to me, because they represent my personality,the things I love doing and I will keep them forever as they have sentimental value for me.






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