Monday, November 22, 2010



The poem,"No Man is an Island" by John Donne implements that every man has significance and is needed. The quote"Every man's death diminishes me" states that every man is needed, and that we depend on everybody.
An island is a body of land which is seperated from other big lands. Similarly, many people are isolated and ignored such as refugees or beggers. " The quote "every man is a part of the continent, a part of the main"  states that Donne wishes for mankind to live together and to be united,to be linked to one chain.

The video "Mankind is no Island" made by Jason Van Genderen informs us of our ignorant    decisions.We see people who are different from us
like a foreigner or a begger. However, we pass them as though they are not part
of our world.  "But is that true?" "Are they not part of our world?"
They feel like they are situated in an inevitable and interminable cycle of despair and isolation.
"So why can't we just perform a small act of kindness, such as a smile
or to drop a coin in a begger's empty cup, to make them feel that we do notice them
and that they are part of our world?"
The poem,"No Man is an Island" and the video "Mankind is no Island"  links to the story "THE ISLAND" , by Armin Greder as the locals of an island assaulted the foreigner and captivated him without realizing that the foreigner has significance and is in a way part of them, an element which makes them whole. "THE ISLAND" also links to our cruel acts today, as we don't realize that others who are isolated, are a part of us and we need them. Donne and Genderen suggest that mankind is all the same no matter where you are from, no man is an alien or an outsider, no man is not needed.

I agree with both Donne and Genderen,as nowadays we don't realize how isolated and lonely others might feel. We must realize the suffering of others and succor them to feel more like us and to not dwell in lonliness and isolation. I too have made an ignorant decision, as I have seen others who were alone,sad and isolated. However, I looked away and didn't do anything about it, just like many of us nowadays. Therefore, Donne and Genderen have motivated me to make better decisions and now I won't repeat the same mistake again.

  We notice the presence of others who are different and isolated. However, Genderen states that we make the decision to look away. Through the eyes of Gendren and Donne we must realize that we are making an immense mistake for isolating others and must know that all of us are linked to one chain,"No Man is an Island"

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