Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I was just another ordinary kid in my old school. However, one day on my way back home I stopped at a general store to purchase a drink. When I was in line I saw two devious and notorius people from my class named Usman and Shayan hiding behind a shelf.

I wasn't quite sure what they were up to but I knew it was no good. It was then when they stuffed random candies and a tennis ball into a small bag. I opened my mouth ready to inform the salesman. However, I hesitated I knew those two were very clever and what they were capable of.

Many other people encountered them before in situations like this. However, they always had a backup plan a rational excuse, a persuading lie, anything that would get them out of trouble.

I then decided to look away and go with the flow and to not look like a halfwit in front of everybody. However, they looked back laughing at me. I felt the fury pump in my veins. I regretted not taking action and letting them aquire more power,more sense of superiority.

This experience of mine links to Jesus Colon's experience,as we both looked away from justice. We knew what was the right thing to do. We were aware of the possible consequences. Therefore, we remained silent.

"It is not power that corrupts but fear" , says Aung San Suu Kyi. Now I realize that those two are intimidated of losing power and therefore they do this. I looked away and did not perform an act of justice. However, due to this experience I promised myself that I would never repeat the same mistake again if I encounter a situation like this. These kind of experiences are turning points in your life. You know what you did in the past,yet due to a certain mistake you know that you won't do it again, you won't look away from justice.

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